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[ the phoenix ] 1 Gallon


Lemon - Orange - Alkaline Water - Honey - Activated Charcoal - 
Bentonite Clay - Himalayan Sea Salt

Featured Ingredients:
Lemon: Full of Antioxidants + Maintains a Healthy Complexion
Activated Charcoal: Traps Toxins + Chemicals

Do you need to rise from last nights ashes and be reborn? The combination of citrus and activated charcoal is the perfect mix to help you bounce back from a hangover or give your body a gentle detox. With a little honey added to abundance of citrus this lemon-orange-aid will get you back on track! 

Nutrition Facts

The Phoenix

Bottle Return + Shelf Life

Don't forget that each 1 Gallon Bottle has an additional $8 bottle deposit on top of the regular cost that will be added to your cart. Return the bottles with our driver to receive the money back. Or placing another home delivery order? Leave your bottles on your front step and we will be sure to pick them up and issue your refund online. The practice of reusing our bottles allows us to have sustainable packaging that never goes to the landfill. Once the bottles are no longer usable, they can be recycled, along with their plastic lids.