Description & Featured Ingredients
Apple - Kale - Spinach - Lemon - Celery
Featured Ingredients:
Kale: An A+ Superfood + Packed with B-Complex vitamins
Celery: Clearer Skin + Sustained Energy (+ a million other health benefits)
The perfect blend to charge you up for the day ahead. A bunch of kale and handful of greens in every bottle paired with a few red apples make this classic green juice perfect for first timers and long time juicers alike!
Nutrition Facts
Bottle Return + Shelf Life
With the purchase of each juice comes a refundable $2.00 bottle deposit. Return empty bottles to any of our distribution locations or at Farmers Markets to receive your refund. Or placing another home delivery order? Leave your bottles on your front step and we will be sure to pick them up and issue your refund. The card used at checkout for that delivery will be refunded $2.00 for each bottle received.
Every juice has a date printed on the label. The juice is guaranteed to be fresh up to that date as long as it is refrigerated and unopened. Once opened, we recommend drinking within two days.